
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Top 10 Things I've Learned as a New Mom

Now that I have survived motherhood a little over year... I have learned a few things:

10. Eating out is not always easier than cooking!! Trying to keep a toddler in a seat waiting for food forever probably isn't going to end well.

9. There is a difference between the cheap diapers and the expensive diapers! I think I save money on laundry by buying the better diapers! Seriously!

8. My mother was right about... well, almost everything! Sorry, Mom!

7. We can watch the same show over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... you get the idea.

6. Little kids really do watch what you are doing and often copy you! I am afraid my child is turning out to be quite abit like me.

5. I can go without sleep, food, and anything else... if I have to.

4. I should probably pack myself an extra outfit in the diaperbag too! I've been stranded a few places with strange stains!

3. Grandma take their job (spoiling their grandbabies rotten) VERY seriously. A trip to grandma's house typically calls for some serious grandma-detox when we get home!

2. People will confuse the sex of a baby no matter how big and pink the hair bow is! Come on people!

1. No matter how difficult (9 months of being tired, sick, moody...) it is worth it!


  1. I loved reading your top 10. It is very, very true. My babe is just 6 months old and I already know exactly what you are talking about. :) We have a blog too...feel free to stop by anytime.

  2. I love it! :) So true, and I relate with them all! We had fun at Whit's today...almost didn't pack him an extra outfit, but I did. Which ended up to be a good thing, since he decided to do his business alone...#2....big mess. :) Try taking a thing of play doh to the restaurant! It helps a lot!
