
Friday, March 9, 2012

It's been a while...

Well, it's been a while since I've written a blog... Life is busy with two little kids running around! (today yelling) You know I expected the work to increase, but WOW... little boys are a handful! With all joking aside I love my kids... It's hard to imagine life without them! So much has happened since my last post... The new church building has been built, Macy turned three, we had Colten, and he is already 1! Things have been up but they have also been down. This August we lost a baby and with that came many emotions. We have been so blessed and I don't want to seem ungrateful, but the sadness has been overwhelming at times. However, God is faithful and He is good all the time. Church is going well and with the new space brings new growth. We have added a very nice (free) bus. Church is becoming healthier... it seems like we have more workers. We always need more, but things are looking up! The winter has been tough... several deaths and I hate death. It's so sad and I'm human so it's hard to imagine what heaven will be like. It's hard to not be sad when we lose someone. I'll never get used to it, but I guess that is how we are designed so it's ok. I think I'm going to start blogging more... Macy has started gymnastics so I'm sure that will provide some fresh material and Colten is into everything!!

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